DetailsNuance Books
pp. ● 6x9 $ (pb) ● $ (eb) ISBN 978-1-960373-05-2 (pb) FICTION / Mystery & Detective / Women Sleuths FICTION / Mystery & Detective / Private Investigators FICTION / LGBTQ+ / Lesbian Publication date: February 2024 |
Irma Wheeler and Jennifer Smith are detectives, a couple, and own a private eye business in Toronto. Because of their skill in opening up doors when investigating reticent or otherwise uncooperative witnesses and suspects, the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) bring them in to help with highly sensitivity cases.
Irma and Jenny's latest case involves the kidnapping of an eighteen-month-old baby. When the parents, Mr. and Mrs. Duke, aren't forthcoming with information about themselves, Irma and Jenny have to rely on the baby's aunt for the family background, which includes grudges going back thirty years. With the help of their network of friends and colleagues and their own methods of acquiring information, which don't necessarily follow police protocol, Irma and Jenny discovers that a simple kidnapping is only the tip of the iceberg of mysteries surrounding the Duke family. |
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