Haviva Ner-David is an ordained rabbi and interfaith-interspiritual minister, with a doctorate in philosophy and an M.F.A. in Creative Writing. She runs Shmaya: A Mikveh for Mind, Body and Soul, where she officiates ritual immersion ceremonies and offers group workshops. A certified spiritual companion with a specialty and dreamwork, she works with individuals and couples. Rabbi Ner-David is the author of two previous spiritual journey memoirs (Life on the Fringes: A Feminist Journey Towards Traditional Rabbinic Ordination; and Chanah’s Voice: A Rabbi Wrestles with Gender, Commandment and the Women’s Rituals of Baking, Bathing and Brightening). Dreaming Against the Current: A Rabbi’s Soul Journey is her third. She is also the author of a novel, Hope Valley, and a guidebook for engaged couples, Getting (and Staying) Married Jewishly: Preparing for your Life Together with Ancient and Modern Wisdom (due to be published in 2022). Rabbi Ner-David is involved in peace work, promoting a shared society for Jews, Christians and Muslims in Galilee, where she lives with Jacob, her life partner of thirty-two years, their seven children, and their dog and cat. She also lives with a genetic muscular disease called FSHD, which has been one of her greatest teachers.
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